Travelling to Nantes

Arriving by train

There are regular and frequent connections from Paris to Nantes by high speed train (TGV). Leaving from Paris Montparnasse station, the journey takes on average 2hrs 30 minutes.

All seats on TGV trains are numbered and must be reserved. Prices vary depending on the time and day of departure and you are strongly advised to book in advance in order to take advantage of the cheapest fares. For example the cheapest one-way ticket is currently available at 15€, whereas a ticket bought on the day will cost a minimum of 85 €.

To book train tickets on line:


Arriving by Coach

A number of low-cost coach services arrive in Nantes from Paris and other major cities such as Bordeaux and Toulouse. These services offer quite comfortable travel with free-wifi, air-conditioning and on-board toilets. The journey from Paris takes around 5 hours. Fares vary depending on your day and date of travel, so advance booking is highly recommended. If you arrive by coach, your journey will end at Haluchères. From here you can take Tram Line 1 to the city centre.

For more information about coach schedules and fares see:





Arriving by plane

Nantes Atlantique International is the city’s international airport. It is located in Bouguenais, 10 km (5 miles) southwest of Nantes city centre.

Transport from the airport

The Airport Shuttle bus

The ‘Navette Aéroport’ shuttle bus provides a regular service from the airport to the railway station (Gare Sud) in the city centre. The trip takes 20 minutes and a one-way ticket costs 9€.

The bus runs every 20 minutes from Monday to Saturday, and every 30 minutes on Sundays and public holidays. See the schedule here.  Please note that there is no bus service on May 1st.

For more information about the Airport Shuttle bus see:


Taxi transfers to downtown Nantes take about 20 minutes from the Airport. A one-way fare costs 30-35€.

The authorized taxi companies at the airport are: Allo Taxis (Tel: +33 (0)2 40 69 22 22) and Hep Taxis (Tel: +33 (0(2 40 85 40 85).

See more information