Interactions with Local Stakeholders Recent 


Over the last few years, L@bISEN – Yncréa Ouest has developed its local research network via a number of partnerships, some of which are detailed below :


  • As part of the State-Region project fund (CPER) for 2021-2027, L@bISEN – Yncréa Ouest has been the driving force for the implementation of the meta- project known as BrestBayBase. This project is backed by IFREMER, the French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea in collaboration with the Brittany universities UBS and UBO, ENSTA-Bretagne Engineering School, and the national Naval School.


  • In collaboration with the UBO university cytogenetics laboratory, L@bISEN – Yncréa Ouest has contributed to the submission of the ANR project called CHROMAI. The project focuses on the identification of chromosomal abnormalities.


  • In a joint collaboration between the national Naval School’s lab (IRENAV) and L@bISEN – Yncréa Ouest, a doctoral thesis was co-financed and presented in October 2019 on the following topic: “Preprocessing of Underwater Images based on Polarization and Frequency Filtering: Offshore Applications”.


  • In a joint collaboration, UBO University, L@bISEN – Yncréa Ouest and the WAVES lab backed by Thales, have co-financed a doctoral thesis begun in September 2018 on the emerging regional program, SAMM (autonomous systems in sea environments). The thesis title in French is: « Système de vision embarqué et autonome pour les AUV sous-marins » (Embedded and Autonomous Vision System for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs).


  • In collaboration with ENSTA-Bretagne Engineering School, L@bISEN – Yncréa Ouest and the WAVES lab backed by Thales, a doctoral thesis funded 100% by Thales began in September 2016. The thesis title in French is: « Recherche multi- agents d’une source par la mesure d’une grandeur scalaire associée » (Multi-Agent Search of a Source by Measuring an Associated Scalar Quantity).


  • In collaboration with UBO, two doctoral theses are in progress on respectively, a topic on energy management related to renewable energies and decision- making tools applied to the management of smart buildings.


  • A joint work group comprising researchers from IFREMER and L@bISEN – Yncréa Ouest has been set up to work on the automatic annotation of underwater images. As a result of the group’s response to an IFREMER official call for projects, the project could result in the supervision of 4 trainees over 2 years.